Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 18 in 1 pagine

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A. L. - The genetic factors  which  influence the coat color. Z. I. A., VI, 1912.
transport and air transport) constitutes a lex specialis  which  applies in lieu of the general rule on businnes profits
from that the necessity to determine those activities  which  follow within the scope of application of article 8, being
others, the proposal considers the case of an enterprise  which  has some passengers or cargo transported internationally by
arrangements. Another case would be that of an enterprise  which  sells tickets on behalf of other companies, for example for
feature of the new cuisine as a rapid succession of dishes  which  contain but one mouthful or even a fraction of a mouthful.
government is established by the Commonwealth Constitution  which  provides for a central Commonwealth government with limited
a method of constitutional interpretation (literalism)  which  favoured a broad interpretation of Commonwealth powers, and
favoured a broad interpretation of Commonwealth powers, and  which  compromised the federal balance thereafter. This paper
provides an overview on the complex legal framework,  which  regulates the sector at the moment, in order to estimate
there are still too many obligations to be observed  which  do not allow the competitive mechanism to work effectively.
affection of certain salts of silver or gold but one  which  doubtless in a greater or less degree pervades all nature,
and connects itself intimately with the mechanism by  which  chemical combination and decomposition is operated. The
themselves to justify its extension to all cases in  which  chemical elements may be supposed combined with a certain
the current state of media, finds that the assumption on  which  modern media policy making in support of pluralism is being
them, according to the members of the research projects,  which  shows that the misalingnment between public supply and
policy and a closer attention to all those initiatives,  which  may foster the transfer of public research results to the
l’azionista per il quale la tela era «an arena in  which  to act» dove il risultato era «not a picture but an event»
of inconsistencies with the law and principles of the EU,  which  were examined throughout the paper, whilst suggesting
e condensando nella rappresentazione «the beauties...  which  are dispersed in nature». L’attività associativa si
The analysis starts describing two possible theses  which  could challenge the total exemption in Italy of the
ricorda? Giulietta diceva a Romeo: What's in a name? That  which  we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet. - È
quiet accustomed ear. Then thou whisperest in his ear Words  which  only he ean ear Words of woe and words of chear Jubilates