Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: when

Numero di risultati: 11 in 1 pagine

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 When  tempering at 400-750?F (200-400?C), freezing treatments may
in corrosion resistance. Size Change: +0.05 to +0.10%  when  fully martensitic. The presence of retained austenite may
Furthermore, unlike products that are designed to be safe  when  properly used, a drug can cause a catastrophe even when the
when properly used, a drug can cause a catastrophe even  when  the most elaborate precautions known to medical science
dello sviluppo rurale, dove essa "may be referred to  when  identifying society's need for more sustainable production
powers and six state governments with plenary powers.  When  the Constitution was originally drafted, the framers
sfilò anch’egli tra i passanti stringendo loro la mano;  When  Attitudes Become Form (1969) fu inaugurata dal curatore
social welfare. This outcome can be pursued only  when  the goal of private welfare does not cause harm to other