Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: there

Numero di risultati: 7 in 1 pagine

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compie risolutamente della teoria della forma ornata: «  There  will be not uncharacteristic or turnished or vulgar
ed espressione: «In literature, as in all forms of art,  there  are the absolute and the merely relative or accessory
pruposes ando of beneficia owner, under the hypothesis that  there  is non personification of trust fund. It is also discussed
not to promote competition but to protect incumbents:  there  are still too many obligations to be observed which do not
This unique property of pharmaceuticals agents is why  there  are a myriad of statutes, rules and regulations... that
In the light of the above, the authors conclude that  there  are no reason to deny the simultaneous application of the


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