Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: some

Numero di risultati: 21 in 1 pagine

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 Some  Remarks Concerning the Embryos Bill of the Dutch Government
the Exercise of a Trustee's Discretion:  Some  Further Thoughts and Analysis
blurred as a cloud. Preliminary notes questioning  some  socio-legal aspects of cloud computing
BORENIUS, On  some  unpublished North ltalian Pictures («Burl. Mag.», gennaio
V. -  Some  attempts to test the role of cosmic radiation in the
L. J. -  Some  genetic effects of X-rays in plants. J. H., XXI, 1930.
OECD Commission for Fiscal Affairs has recently proposed  some  changes to the Commentary to article 8, to better specify
changes to the Commentary to article 8, to better specify  some  examples of those "ancillary activities". Among the others,
the proposal considers the case of an enterprise which has  some  passengers or cargo transported internationally by ships or
Growth Pact. It will be highlighted through the reading of  some  important recent rulings of the Italian Constitutional
conflicts and it is positive per se. Arguably, however,  some  provisions of the "fiscal compact" risk widening the
- the European Parliament. Moreover, the paper addresses  some  issues raised by the choice of a "17 plus" treaty stepping
not be pursued. Indeed, an international instrument poses  some  issues of inconsistencies with the law and principles of
lunghe come leggermente opacoSirJ. J. THOMSON, On  some  consequences, «Philosophical Magazine», agosto 1902, serie
for Australian federalism. This paper concludes with  some  observations about the role of precedent in Australian
Australian constitutional interpretation and seeks to offer  some  suggestions as to why a decision that was so ill-founded
caratteristiche che connotano le procedure diagnostiche,  some  esse ordinariamente si svolgono, con riferimento alle
è comportato per la prima volta uti dominus riguardo alle  some  di denaro dategli dal corruttore.
the application of tax treaties to trust related income.  Some  guidelines can be gathered from the US Model tax convention
che il Legislatore pone, storicamente, sul recupero delle  some  versate e non dovute dall'erario. Il ripristino delle
order to estimate its pro-competitive effectiveness. Then,  some  call for tenders are analysed in the way they are planned
the genesis of Leonardo great work and have gained  some  idea of its formal beauty we are prepared to study the
norms emerging from the repeated interaction can give  some  help to publico failure. Repeated interaction favours the
a guarire, che è l'importante: al resto penseremo poi. Le  some  si aggiustano per via. - C'è stata due o tre volte la
da Poppi insieme con le figlie, i figliuoli e trentaquattro  some  di roba, e vi entrarono i fiorentini. Da quel giorno, che
The grave physician By the trembling patient stands, Like  some  deftly skilled musician; Strange! the trumpet in his hands,