possible theses which could challenge the total exemption in Italy of the dividends distribuited by the German subsidiary: a) the Italian tax
would make possible for the government to focus its activity in areas where its role is genuinely needed, rather than in areas determined by past and
Financial innovation emerges on market to let it possible to exploit (temporary) market inefficiencies, frictions, and rigid regulation as to have
technology balance of payments is chronically negative. This study esplores one of the possible causes of the poor technology transfer between public
Is it possible to define the nature of medicine?Telological and phenomenological perspectives on medicine, its ends and its morality
paper I would like to analyse the earliest articles written by American scholars, such as P. Hay and E. Stein, in order to identify their possible
structure of the Constitution, to retain the powers of the states as much as possible. After Australia became a federation in 1901, the High Court of
si esperimenta, alla lunga, una diminuzione sensibile di miseria. - Pas possible! - rispondeva il marsigliese arditamente. - Prouvez - moi cela! - Ma
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, - quegli rispose. - Pas possible! - Ah! che risata! Una tal risata che questa volta egli dovette fingere d'aver ribattuto per celia.
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è necessaria risposta»), OBO (Our Best Offer, «La nostra migliore offerta») e ASAP (As Soon As Possible, «Prima possibile»); -che non ci siano «smile
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, quando è possible, portarla insieme col tondino che serve per lo stesso scopo. Sul piatto deve stare il tovagliolo piegato semplicemente; niente di
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collaborateur et nous a créé le personnage qu'il vit, qu'il présente aussi complet que possible. Le commendatore Gaudenzi reste une des plus belles créations du
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all’Arte Povera, Anti-Form, Microemotive Art, Possible Art, ecc. avevano dato prova d'un nuovo atteggiamento di ribellione verso l'arte
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suo saggio De l’Abstrait au Possible, Zurigo 1959). Mathieu sostiene di aver precorso tanto Wols che Pollock nell’uso della “pittura diretta," e
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, si c'est possible. Beaucoup de fines herbes, hachées menu, menu. Faites cuire en même temps, au court-bouillon, de très grosses moules (un tiers de
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Hance, R. T. - The somatic chromosomes of the chick and their possible sex- relations. S., LIX, 1924.
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et à leurs continuateurs;.... ils ont établi cette vérité, d'un prix inestimable: Il est possible de discourir des qualités physiques dans le langage
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