Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: if

Numero di risultati: 11 in 1 pagine

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per un'altra mezz'ora a fuoco moderato. Infine spremetevi  if  sugo di mezzo limone, rimescolate col mestolo e servite in
than in the past and can become even more efficient  if  governments take their regulatory role seriously. This
mainly by its similarity, no matter what its mode of being.  If  a substantive be wanted, an iconic representamen may be
related Commentary with the aim to demonstrate that, even  if  in principle the conventions deal with the juridical double
inglese ("Eeny meeny miny mo, catch a nigger by his toe,  if  he hollers let him go, eeny meeny miny mo"), e che essa era
Je ne m'en porte, come voi vedete, nè meglio nè peggio.  If  you please, non partite di qui per tirarvi un colpo di