Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: government

Numero di risultati: 49 in 1 pagine

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Remarks Concerning the Embryos Bill of the Dutch  Government 
of  government  and public spending in a changing world
ex art. 396 c.p.c. e azione risarcitoria: "a  government  of the judges, by the judges and for the judges"
numero di amministrazioni locali da parte del Local  Government  Management Board e della Policy and Performance Review
the basis of existing public programs, many argute that the  government  needs to spend more even thought public spending is often
regulatory role seriously. This would make possible for the  government  to focus its activity in areas where its role is genuinely
federal system of  government  is established by the Commonwealth Constitution which
Constitution which provides for a central Commonwealth  government  with limited powers and six state governments with plenary
quella di ampliare l'ambito di applicazione della legge  Government  Performance and Results Act, prevedendo un'analisi
the industrialized countries, the share financed by the  government  is among the highest. Only a little portion of public
digitale finalizzate a realizzare un effettivo open  government  attento alle esigenze dei "clienti" della pubblica