Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: following

Numero di risultati: 6 in 1 pagine

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– Spermatogenesis  following  early ovariotomy in the brown leghorn fowl. B. A., CXIX,
– Sex reversal in female tadpoles of Berna sylvatica  following  the application of high temperature. J. E. Z., LII, 1929.
text tackles the  following  themes: the schift of constitutional jurisprudence as
the Serbian para-military forces. Unfortunately, the period  following  the armed intervention of the international community is
law 488/1992 set up a new model based on ordinary measures  following  three basic principles: i) selectivity for choosing the
to identify their possible influence on the activity of the  following  "actors": the Eoropean Court of Justice (ECJ), the European


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