comparative legal reviews and journals. During those years many authors from both sides of the Atlantic compared their perspectives, considering the
Profili giuridici dell'aborto in Irlanda. Peculiarità e prospettive della vicenda irlandese alla luce della legge "Protection of life during
Life During Pregnancy Act" (2013) che però non ha fatto cessare le discussioni né sopito le inquietudini. Il contributo, supportato da un'ampia
King. H. D. - Studies on sex determination in Amphibians. IV. The effects of external factors, acting before or during the time of fertilization on
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Vedi il mio Journal of Researches during the Voyage of theBeagle, 1845, p. 384.
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il mio Journal of Researches during the Voyage of theBeagle, 1845, p. 384. .
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Journal of Researches during the Voyage of the Beagle, 1845, p. 398. Origin of species, 5a ediz., p. 260.
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cautela in rapporto coll’uomo o cogli altri loro nemiciJournal of Researches during the Voyage of the Beagle, 1845, p. 398. Origin of species, 5a ediz
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