Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: constitution

Numero di risultati: 15 in 1 pagine

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Nature and the  Constitution  of Trusts: the Scottish Law Commission's Proposals
T. S. - The chromosome  constitution  of the Little and Bagg abnormal eyed mice. A. N., LXII,
system of government is established by the Commonwealth  Constitution  which provides for a central Commonwealth government with
and six state governments with plenary powers. When the  Constitution  was originally drafted, the framers sought, in the
suo discussion paper su "The Nature and  Constitution  of Trusts" Commissione legislativa scozzese solleva
l'Irlanda ha approvato il Thirty-fourth Amendment of the  Constitution  (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015 n. 5 che ha introdotto un