Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: been

Numero di risultati: 7 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
1996 (first operatine year) to 2003 the law 488/1992 has  been  financed more than 33,00 investiment plans for euro 63
regions. The number of the new potential work-places has  been  valued at 475, 000. In Sicily the investiments carried out
Kosovo experience has  been  a positive one, especially form the stand point of the
services. The process of liberalization of the sector has  been  put at risk by the possibility for the service to be
occupied in the process either in London or Paris. It has  been  stated by D. Draper that in his progress from New York to
most elaborate precautions known to medical science have  been  carefully followed. The drug, however, may be very
public research scientist in four high-tech sectors has  been  carried out. Findings show that, while most research
of whether or not foreign subsidiary's distribution has  been  taxed in the State of source. Finally, it is noted tbat tbe


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