Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: abnoormal

Numero di risultati: 1 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1

Un sistema parallelo. Decreti legge e ordinanze d'urgenza nell'esperienza italiana - abstract in versione elettronica

Pinelli, Cesare 1 occorrenze
  • 2010
  • DoGi - Dottrina Giuridica
  • diritto
  • w
  • Scarica XML

The text tackles the following themes: the schift of constitutional jurisprudence as regards laws by decree ad doctrinal reactions; the resort to orders in council in recent republican experience; the thesis of the unconstitutionality of law n. 225 of 1992; the thesis that posits violations of legality on the plane of the implementation praxis of law; the thesis that depicts the power of order in council as a continuation of ordinary administrative power; the thesis that views such power as a direct porsuit of constitutional principles; the abnoormal recourse to laws by decree and orders in council and the extent to wich one can speak of a parallel system; concerning certain recurring feautures in the Italian experience


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