Affairs has recently proposed some changes to the Commentary to article 8, to better specify some examples of those "ancillary activities". Among the
While Italy's R&D expenses as a percentage of GNP are among the lo west within the industrialized countries, the share financed by the government
it appears defensible under international law as well. However, a number of issues are still unsettled: prominent among them are those concerning
is obviously only on sufferance among serious painters». Qui non c'è più snobismo, ma assolutissima verità.
Pagina 387
Castle, W. E. e Little, C. C. - The peculiar inheritance of pink eyes among colored mice. S., 1909.
Pagina 404
Santos, J. K. - Differentiation among chromosomes in Elodea. Bo. G., LXXV 1923.
Pagina 407
Vedi le osservazioni per questo riguardo, nel Feeling of Beauty among Animals pel signor J. Shaw, nell’Athenæum, 24 novembre 1866, p. 681.
Pagina 352
sede principale degli ornamentiVedi le osservazioni per questo riguardo, nel Feeling of Beauty among Animals pel signor J. Shaw, nell’Athenæum, 24
Pagina 352
Among the Shans, 160.
Pagina 279
I popoli pacifici invece sono ospitali, dolci. Passando dagli Annamiti cristiani e guerrieri, alle tribù pacifiche della montagna Among the Shans
Pagina 279
numerous and remarkable cases of this affection among bodies of that class, but among metallic, and other elements inorganically arranged, instances enough
Pagina 486