Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: taxation

Numero di risultati: 9 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
Source Situations and the Multiple  Taxation  of Dividends and Interest
the "parent-subsidiary" directive and the double  taxation  conventions is not allowed; b) double taxation conventions
the double taxation conventions is not allowed; b) double  taxation  conventions deal only with the juridical double taxation,
so that they cannot be applied where the juridical double  taxation  is already eliminated in the State of source. The authors
a provision addressed to avoid also the economic double  taxation  on dividends, by granting an exemption irrespective of
the lawful combination between the no German withholding  taxation  and the total Italian exemption.
e giustificano l'adozione del principio della world wide  taxation  sui redditi ovunque prodotti. Pertanto, coerentemente agli
del progetto "Action Plan for Fair and Efficient Corporate  Taxation  in the EU".
trasparenza fiscale delle società di capitali e "tonnage  taxation  system''). Per effetto delle modifiche introdotte da tale
N-LEX (Un punto di accesso alle legislazioni nazionali); -  Taxation  & Customs Union (Fiscalità, Dogane); - Ufficio Brevetti


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