Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: results

Numero di risultati: 11 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
P. - The numerical  results  of diverse systems of breeding. G., I, II, 1916-17.
Adolphe and Robert Schlagintweit.  Results  of a scientific mission to India and High Asia. - Leipzig
Adolph and Robert Schlagintweit,  Results  of a scientific mission to India and high Asia. Leipzig,
out. Findings show that, while most research project  results  seem to have immediate industrial applicability, the
paper rather than patent. One third of such research  results  have no Italian companies able to exploit them. The
which may foster the transfer of public research  results  to the domestic industry.
Schlagintweit Hermann, Adolphe and Robert Schlagintweit.  Results  of a scientific mission to India and High Asia. - Leipzig
di applicazione della legge Government Performance and  Results  Act, prevedendo un'analisi costi/benefici anche per i
of Radio Engineers», vol. X, n. 4, New York, August 1922;  Results  obtained over very long distances by Short Waves and
altezze maggiori Hermann, Adolph and Robert Schlagintweit,  Results  of a scientific mission to India and high Asia. Leipzig,