Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: chicago

Numero di risultati: 6 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
Ruse, The darwinian revolution, The University of  Chicago  Press, Chicago 1979.
The darwinian revolution, The University of Chicago Press,  Chicago  1979.
Darwin and the problem of creation, The University of  Chicago  Press, Chicago 1979.
the problem of creation, The University of Chicago Press,  Chicago  1979.
papers of Charles Darwin, 2 voll., The University of  Chicago  Press, Chicago 1977.
Charles Darwin, 2 voll., The University of Chicago Press,  Chicago  1977.
E. Le Gros Clark, The antecedents of Man, Quadrangle books,  Chicago  1960.
The fossil evidence for human Evolution, The University of  Chicago  Press, 1933.
R. Colp, To be an invalid: the illness of Charles Darwin,  Chicago  1977.. Lavorava assiduamente, per quanto glielo permetteva


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