Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 3 in 1 pagine

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alla Società Reale di Londra: It is no longer an insulated  and  anomalous affection of certain salts of silver or gold but
doubtless in a greater or less degree pervades all nature,  and  connects itself intimately with the mechanism by which
intimately with the mechanism by which chemical combination  and  decomposition is operated. The general instability of
might lead us to expect the occurrence of numerous  and  remarkable cases of this affection among bodies of that
affection among bodies of that class, but among metallic,  and  other elements inorganically arranged, instances enough
arranged, instances enough have already appeared,  and  more are daily presenting themselves to justify its
may be supposed combined with a certain degree of laxsity,  and  so to speak in a tottering equilibrium. Il sig. Martin di
Theory  and  practice of the photographic art, by M. Sparling. London,
of obtaining pictures by the solar influences increase;  and  under the action of the glowing light of equatorial climes


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