Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: under

Numero di risultati: 18 in 1 pagine

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 under  attack?
New Procedure  under  Article 9 Regulation 1/2003: Advantages and Weaknesses
person for treaty pruposes ando of beneficia owner,  under  the hypothesis that there is non personification of trust
an important case about the notion of trust residence  under  the UK-Ireland tax convention.
is soundly grounded in EU law and it appears defensible  under  international law as well. However, a number of issues are
to evidence, the legal nature of the restrictive measures  under  discussion and the legal relation, under the Charter of the
measures under discussion and the legal relation,  under  the Charter of the United Nations, between the obligations
on the legal nature of the restrictive measures  under  discussion affect the correct determination of the
determination of the safeguards to be afforded to targets  under  (national and) international law. As to the third, the
the article criticizes the common view according to which,  under  art. 103 UN Charter, the obligation to implement Security
in force between Italy and Germany. In particular, it is  under  exam the possibility to apply, to such dividends,
in Italy, with the final goal to verify, in the case  under  exam, the elimination of both juridical and economic
dealt with situations significantly different from the case  under  exam. Then, as regards the second thesis, the attention is
Finally, it is noted tbat tbe aim of the two provisions  under  exam is different. The aim of the German rules allowing no
e del regime fiscale delle operazioni tra soggetti  under  common control. Infine, si effettua una prima valutazione
larga scala le matrici non convenzionali nei DUID (driving  under  influence of drug) e nei WDT (workplace drug testing),
per incorporazione realizzata tra soggetti "IAS compliant  under  common control" in cui, seguendo le indicazioni fornite dal
aveva dichiarato l'incostituzionalità delle parole  under  God contenute in tale giuramento per violazione del primo
article analyses,  under  a legal and economic point of view, the recent developments
by ships or aircraft operated by other enterprises  under  particular arrangements. Another case would be that of an
3 le operazioni di business combination of entities  under  common control, che non determinano il trasferimento del
outside the EU legal framework, since a revision process  under  Art. 48 TEU could not be pursued. Indeed, an international
features, where "non-technical" "relates to matter which,  under  Art. 52(2) EPC [ European Patent Convention ], is not
semestre. Le 328 donne sono state divise in due gruppi: (A)  under  trenta anni e (B) over trenta anni. I risultati statistici
II ("Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Research Program  under  Special Permit in the Antarctic"). Il Giappone ha condotto