Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: their

Numero di risultati: 9 in 1 pagine

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Tax Treaties and international taxation: the effects of  their  interactions and the possibilities of conflict
years many authors from both sides of the Atlantic compared  their  perspectives, considering the comparability between
scholars, such as P. Hay and E. Stein, in order to identify  their  possible influence on the activity of the following
simply prohibiting certain domestic tax rules because of  their  discriminatory or restrictive effect on the functioning of
recreated by communities and groups in response to  their  environment, their interaction with nature". Per l'art.
by communities and groups in response to their environment,  their  interaction with nature". Per l'art. 2.2.d) della medesima
to proficiently evaluate and improve the performances of  their  structures. The Core Competency Curriculum Guidelines is
Derivatives are an important example of innovation and  their  history can be dated back to the Ancient Mesopotamia.
past and can become even more efficient if governments take  their  regulatory role seriously. This would make possible for the
know-how and business information (trade secrets) against  their  unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure" del 18 dicembre
Court of Justice so far. European judges resolutely affirm  their  competence to review acts establishing sanctions - both the
Council's Consolidated List - from the point of view of  their  conformity with the legal order of the European Union and


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