Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: not

Numero di risultati: 36 in 1 pagine

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e responsabilità disciplinare del notaio ex art. 28 l.  not 
dopo Markovic, "The king can do  not  wrong": ma fino a quando?
be or  not  to be'': comparare l'incomparabile
can be pursued only when the goal of private welfare does  not  cause harm to other people. Hence, human relations need a
(such as laws, rules, social norms). Public intervention is  not  the only tool to rule human interaction and to resist
and the diffusion of reputation and allows punishment of  not  cooperating people. Human beings follow social norms also
people. Human beings follow social norms also in  not  repeat relations. Indeed, human choices depend not only on
also in not repeat relations. Indeed, human choices depend  not  only on private calculus, but also on emotions, sentiments
create social capital). The cooperation propension in  not  only fostered by altruism, but also by the willingness and
but also by the willingness and human capacity to punish  not  cooperating people. By sharing the same social capital the
al silenzio, right  not  to be questioned e tutela della autoincriminazione. Note
silent right is  not  a right": orientamento sessuale, diritti fondamentali e
policy making in support of pluralism is being built is  not  well-founded.
negative experiences, public tenders seem, to be planned  not  to promote competition but to protect incumbents: there are
are still too many obligations to be observed which do  not  allow the competitive mechanism to work effectively.
under Art. 52(2) EPC [ European Patent Convention ], is  not  regarded as invention within the meaning of Art. 52 EPC".
the armed intervention of the international community is  not  such as to allow a similar favorable judment. In fact, the
buon andamento della pubblica amministrazione e, "last but  not  least", di riserva di legge e che tali principi devono
context, the OECD Model and its Commentary still do  not  give any guideline for the application of tax treaties to
goals stated in the "Circolari" risks to hinder (if  not  altogether stop) the process of organizational change.
noti e già ampiamente utilizzati in contesti for profit e  not  for profit. Tuttavia, se, da una parte, vi sono strumenti e
particolare attenzione alla situazione italiana; last but  not  least è argomentata l'inaccettabilità etica del doping,
framework, since a revision process under Art. 48 TEU could  not  be pursued. Indeed, an international instrument poses some
the studies in this field. Nevertheless these analyses do  not  exhaustively cover the influence of the "American ideas" on
directive and the double taxation conventions is  not  allowed; b) double taxation conventions deal only with the
by granting an exemption irrespective of whether or  not  foreign subsidiary's distribution has been taxed in the
certezza delle regole tra Fisco e contribuente è, "last but  not  least", testimoniato dalla possibilità di proporre in modo
between public supply and industrial demand does  not  occur. The indications stemming from the investigation call
al responso delle urne ("people must resort to the polls  not  to the courts"). Negli anni '80 il precario equilibrio tra