Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: much

Numero di risultati: 5 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
sulle donazioni e trust esteri:  much  ado for nothing!
durata dei processi e responsabilità del magistrato: "too  much  ado about nothing"
 Much  Ado About (Almost) Nothing: il rapporto della House of
Product. Only a few decades ago that spending was a  much  smaller proportion of much lower GDPs in most European
decades ago that spending was a much smaller proportion of  much  lower GDPs in most European countries. Furthermore in many
spending in the economy. It argues that markets have become  much  more efficient than in the past and can become even more
of the Constitution, to retain the powers of the states as  much  as possible. After Australia became a federation in 1901,


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