Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: it

Numero di risultati: 26 in 1 pagine

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 it  - strategie per recuperare efficienza
Technology (IT) sull'ambiente: il Green IT. Il Green  IT  si propone sostanzialmente di migliorare l'efficienza
tecno-prodotti. Anche se l'obiettivo principale del Green  IT  è quello di incrementare l'utilizzo di energia pulita,
di concentrazione e accordi di  IT  outsourcing
 it  possible to define the nature of medicine?Telological and
targeted sanctions lacks procedural fairness, inasmuch as  it  neglects the rights of targeted persons, groups and
remedy. This approach is soundly grounded in EU law and  it  appears defensible under international law as well.
States towards targeted individuals, groups or entities.  It  argues that Member States of the United Nations have
establishing sanctions have to be interpreted accordingly.  It  submits that, in a significant shift from its previous
a balanced budget, through the Stability and Growth Pact.  It  will be highlighted through the reading of some important
concentrazioni, in sede di valutazione degli accordi di  IT  outsourcing. Secondo gli Autori, la politica dell'Autorità,
hypothesis that there is non personification of trust fund.  It  is also discussed an important case about the notion of
of the "Consiglio" in the past years. On the one hand,  it  is maintained, the Consiglio is progressively developed a
innovation emerges on market to let  it  possible to exploit (temporary) market inefficiencies,
della cosiddetta "Consolle del Magistrato", uno strumento  IT  che consente ai magistrati di svolgere in ambiente
reappraisal of the role of public spending in the economy.  It  argues that markets have become much more efficient than in
la promozione di forme di sviluppo compatibili con  it  rispetto dell'ambiente, e molto ancora. Esse non ambiscono
general rule on businnes profits provided for by article.  It  derives from that the necessity to determine those
in force between Italy and Germany. In particular,  it  is under exam the possibility to apply, to such dividends,
has been taxed in the State of source. Finally,  it  is noted tbat tbe aim of the two provisions under exam is
protects democracy from inter-generational conflicts and  it  is positive per se. Arguably, however, some provisions of
nel caso in esame i sanitari nella decisione di dimettere  it  paziente abbiano obbedito a linee guida dettate da logiche