Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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you  for  nothing" o immeritevolezza
processi davanti all'"International Criminal Tribunal  for  the Former Yugoslavia" e all'"International Criminal
Former Yugoslavia" e all'"International Criminal Tribunal  for  Rwanda". Profili giuridici, storici e sociologici
"think tanks" al "Crowdsourcing  for  Intelligence"
to be against one right system  for  IP
sulle donazioni e trust esteri: much ado  for  nothing!
order e bona fide purchaser  for  value without notice
Stati Uniti alla Convention of Supplementary Compensation  for  nuclear damage
the mood  for  meaning". Considerazioni sulla teoria pragmaticamente
new challenges  for  bioethics and biolaw
autonome e "Uniform Rules  for  Demand Guarantees"
Aristogatti (Ovvero: del "trust  for  the care of pets" nella percezione cinematografica)
Issue of the Fiscal Compact - Searching  for  a mature democratic governance of the euro
Progetto Space: Specialist and Patients Alliance  for  a Common Experience in Asthma. Indagine campionaria su
del potere in Measure  for  Measure. Corpo pubblico/corpo privato: autorità/libertà e
"a government of the judges, by the judges and  for  the judges"
dibattito sulla "Guide  for  research ethics committee members" del Consiglio d'Europa:
has been financed more than 33,00 investiment plans  for  euro 63 billion, two thirds in the Mezzogiorno regions. The
a breaking point in the state intervention model  for  the development of the South of Italy. Before 1992, the
measures following three basic principles: i) selectivity  for  choosing the investiment projects to be financed; ii)
in lieu of the general rule on businnes profits provided  for  by article. It derives from that the necessity to determine
and aircraft in international traffic. The OECD Commission  for  Fiscal Affairs has recently proposed some changes to the
which sells tickets on behalf of other companies,  for  example for a domestic leg of an international voyage
sells tickets on behalf of other companies, for example  for  a domestic leg of an international voyage offered by the
dei crediti bancari in capitale di rischio ("debt  for  equity swap") nell'ambito del "restructuring" in Italia,
della Convenzione UNECE [United Nations Economic Commission  for  Europe] di Aarhus del 1998
 for  persons in the persistent vegetative state and Pope John
A (FC) and others (FC) (Appellants) v. Secretary of State  for  the Home Department (Respondent) (2004), A and others
others (Appellants) (FC) and others v. Secretary of State  for  the Home Department (Respondent), (Conjoined), 8 dicembre
of the sector has been put at risk by the possibility  for  the service to be in-house provided of public tendered.
on the economic rationale behind the option of competition  for  the market in the public transport service, the article
estimate its pro-competitive effectiveness. Then, some call  for  tenders are analysed in the way they are planned by local
1997 the National Association  for  Court Management (NACM) published an extensive guide
guide concerning the Core Competency Curriculum Guidelines  for  Presiding and Supervising Judges, and Court Managers.
essa "may be referred to when identifying society's need  for  more sustainable production methods, the necessity for
need for more sustainable production methods, the necessity  for  collaboration and social learning and the scope of change
and social learning and the scope of change needed  for  revitalising (rural) society" (Bock, 2012). Il reg. (UE) n.
Model and its Commentary still do not give any guideline  for  the application of tax treaties to trust related income.
anntention in given to the tations of resident person  for  treaty pruposes ando of beneficia owner, under the
sulla base del principio statunitense del "best interest  for  creditors", cui esso probabilmente è ispirato.
della direttiva "Inspire" (acronimo di Infrastructure  for  Spatial Information in Europe) che ha l'obiettivo di
di "debt  for  equity swap" rappresenta uno strumento sempre più
che sono noti e già ampiamente utilizzati in contesti  for  profit e not for profit. Tuttavia, se, da una parte, vi
e già ampiamente utilizzati in contesti for profit e not  for  profit. Tuttavia, se, da una parte, vi sono strumenti e
CLC (International Convention on Civil Liability  for  Oil Pollution Damage - Responsabilità civile da
e senza previa conoscenza dei fatti (bona fide purchaser  for  value without notice).
economies public spending remains low. The paper calls  for  an intelligent and non ideological reappraisal of the role
their regulatory role seriously. This would make possible  for  the government to focus its activity in areas where its
il ruolo dei "serbatoi di menti": si chiama "Crowdsourcing  for  Intelligence" e promette faville ...
di Commercio Internazionale e denominate "Uniform Rules  for  Demand Guarantees".
tramite la Global campaign on Social Security and coverage  for  all. Dal generale al particolare, l'A. passa ad affrontare
per l'addestramento dei militari, ai "Serious Games  for  Intelligence". Luci ed ombre sull'utilizzo dei giochi di
established by the Commonwealth Constitution which provides  for  a central Commonwealth government with limited powers and
of the decision in Engineers, explaining its significance  for  Australian federalism. This paper concludes with some
traduzione e pubblicazione dell'Internal Control - Guidance  for  Directors on the Combined Code. Si tratta di un esempio
ai principi d’eccellenza elaborati dall’European Foundation  for  Quality Management. Questa esperienza, più volte
dagli esiti del Convegno della International Federation  for  European Law, su concentrazioni societarie e disciplina
- GAFI], dopo aver approvato nel 2013 la nuova "Methodology  for  assessing technical compliance with the FATF [Financial
Liceità, autorità e autorevolezza sono indagate in Measure  for  Measure nel simbolo primo del potere, il re, il capo
della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti nel caso "Association  for  Molecular Pathology c. Myriad Genetics". Nel caso in esame
gli "East Timor Special Panels" e l'"Iraqi Special Tribunal  for  Crimes Against Humanity". A tali Tribunali speciali va
di un'azienda sociale nella sua particolare veste "no t  for  profit". L'azienda sociale, al pari dell'azienda "for