Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: eu

Numero di risultati: 19 in 1 pagine

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progetto The Legal Framework of Enviromental Protection in  EU  and China in a Global Perspective, coordinato da M. Timoteo
capo ad una Corte centralizzata (EEUPC, European and  EU  Patents Court) ed articolata in "divisioni locali" presso
by the choice of a "17 plus" treaty stepping outside the  EU  legal framework, since a revision process under Art. 48 TEU
that direct taxes, in the consitutional structure of the  EU  Member States, are a very important instruments of economic
progetto The Legal Framework of Enviromental Protection in  EU  and China in a Global Perspective, coordinato da M. Timoteo
Tra gli obiettivi per il prossimo futuro: il brevetto  EU  a costi contenuti; la protezione delle invenzioni
competence to review acts establishing sanctions - both the  EU  autonomous ones and those implementing the Security
judicial remedy. This approach is soundly grounded in  EU  law and it appears defensible under international law as
dapprima alcune interessanti esperienze internazionali, in  EU  e USA, sull'uso del dividendo digitale ed in seguito si


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