Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Elementi di genetica

Giuseppe Montalenti 22 occorrenze
  • 1939
  • L. Cappelli Editore
  • Bologna
  • biologia
  • w
  • Scarica XML

«International Conference on Hybridization and Plant Breeding») propose di chiamare Genetica (dalla radice greca γέν- «generare»).


Pagina 33

Animal breeding Abstracts (ed. Oliver and Boyd, Edimburgo e Londra), dal 1934; recensisce i lavori che si riferiscono all’allevamento e alla genetica


Pagina 397

Castle, W. E. - Heredity of coat characters in Guinea-pigs and Rabbits. C. I. P.. N. 23, 1905.


Pagina 404

Doncaster, L. - On the relation between chromosomes, sex-linked transmission and sex-determination in Abraxas grossulariata. J. G., IV, 1914.


Pagina 406

Shiwago, P. J. - The chromosome complex in the somatic cells of male and female of the domestic chicken. S., LX, 1924.


Pagina 407

Ströer, W. H. - The gene, its function and its meaning in genetics. Q. R. B., XI, 1936.


Pagina 410

Chambers, R. - The physical structure of protoplasm as determined by microdissection and injection. In Cowdry, op. cit., a pag. 405; 1924.


Pagina 410

Creighton, H. B. e Mc Clintock, B. - A correlation of cytological and genetical crossing over in Zea mais. P. N. A., XXI, 1935.


Pagina 410

Harrison, J. W. H, e Garrett, F. C. - The induction of melanism in the Lepidoptera and its subsequent inheritance. P. R. S. IC, 1926.


Pagina 415

Mohr, O. L. - On the potency of mutated genes and wild type allelomorphs. P. VI C. 1932.


Pagina 416

Nebel, B. R., e Ruttle, M. L. - The cytological and genetical significance of colchicine. J. H., XXIX, 1938.


Pagina 417

Painter, T. S. - The chromosome constitution of the Little and Bagg abnormal eyed mice. A. N., LXII, 1928.


Pagina 417

Silvestri, F. - Insect polyembryony and its general biological aspects. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ., LXXXI, 1937.


Pagina 419

Miller, R. A. - Spermatogenesis in a sex-reversed female and in normal males of the domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus. Anatom. Record, LXX, 1938.


Pagina 421

Willier, B. H., Gallagher, T. F. e Koch, F. C. - The modification of sex development in the chick embryo by male and female sex hormones. P. Z., X


Pagina 421

Witschi, E. - Effect of gonadotropic and oestrogenic hormones on regenerating feathers of weaver finches (Pyromelana franciscana). P. S. E. B., XXXV


Pagina 423

Sumner, F. B. - Genetic, distributional and evolutionary studies of the subspecies of deer mice (Peromyscus). B. G., IX, 1932.


Pagina 427

Kinsey, A. C. - Supra-specific variations in nature and in classification from view point of Zoology. A. N., LXXI, 1937.


Pagina 427

Lynch, C. - The interplay of heredity and environment in experimental cancer. Amer. Journ. Clin Pathol., VI, 1936.


Pagina 428

Crew, F. A. E. - The science of genetics and its application to stock breeding Journ. of the Univ. College of Wales, 1926.


Pagina 429

Stockard, C. B., e Papanicolau, G. - A further analysis of the hereditary transmission of degeneracy and deformities of alcoholized mammals. A. N., L


Pagina 429

Stockard, C. B. - The effect on the offspring of intoxicating the male parent and the transmission of defects to subsequent generations. A. N., XLVII


Pagina 429


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