Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: university

Numero di risultati: 12 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
J. - Experimental Cytology. Cambridge  University  Press, 1931.
W. – Problems of genetics. Oxford  University  Press, 1913.
of Genetics (ed., Cambridge  University  Press,), dal 1910.
F. R. - Problems of Fertilization. The  University  of Chicago Press, 1919.
Th. H. - Experimental embryology. New York, Columbia  University  Press, 1927.
Th. H. - Evolution and Genetics. Princeton  University  Press, 1925.
L. V. - Modern theories of development. Oxford  University  Press, 1933.
E. V. e molti Collaboratori - General cytology. The  University  of Chicago Press, 1924.
C. C. - The mechanism of creative evolution. Cambridge  University  Press, 1932.
W. E. - Genetics and eugenics. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard  University  Press, 1930 (4a ed.).
(ed. The Cambridge  University  Press, Londra), fondato da K. Pearson nel 1901; raccoglie
F. - Selective fertilization. The  University  of Chicago Press. 1928. Montalenti, G. - L’ibridazione


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