Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 72 in 2 pagine

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C. - The interplay of heredity  and  environment in experimental cancer. Amer. Journ. Clin
O. L. - On the potency of mutated genes  and  wild type allelomorphs. P. VI C. 1932.
W. H. - The gene, its function  and  its meaning in genetics. Q. R. B., XI, 1936.
F. - Insect polyembryony  and  its general biological aspects. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.
B. R., e Ruttle, M. L. - The cytological  and  genetical significance of colchicine. J. H., XXIX, 1938.
W. E. - Heredity of coat characters in Guinea-pigs  and  Rabbits. C. I. P.. N. 23, 1905.
T. S. - The chromosome constitution of the Little  and  Bagg abnormal eyed mice. A. N., LXII, 1928.
F. B. - Genetic, distributional  and  evolutionary studies of the subspecies of deer mice
A. C. - Supra-specific variations in nature  and  in classification from view point of Zoology. A. N., LXXI,
the relation between chromosomes, sex-linked transmission  and  sex-determination in Abraxas grossulariata. J. G., IV,
P. J. - The chromosome complex in the somatic cells of male  and  female of the domestic chicken. S., LX, 1924.
structure of protoplasm as determined by microdissection  and  injection. In Cowdry, op. cit., a pag. 405; 1924.
F. A. E. - The science of genetics  and  its application to stock breeding Journ. of the Univ.
E. - Effect of gonadotropic  and  oestrogenic hormones on regenerating feathers of weaver
analysis of the hereditary transmission of degeneracy  and  deformities of alcoholized mammals. A. N., L, 1916.
F. C. - The induction of melanism in the Lepidoptera  and  its subsequent inheritance. P. R. S. IC, 1926.
H. B. e Mc Clintock, B. - A correlation of cytological  and  genetical crossing over in Zea mais. P. N. A., XXI, 1935.
R. A. - Spermatogenesis in a sex-reversed female  and  in normal males of the domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus.
breeding Abstracts (ed. Oliver  and  Boyd, Edimburgo e Londra), dal 1934; recensisce i lavori
The effect on the offspring of intoxicating the male parent  and  the transmission of defects to subsequent generations. A.
modification of sex development in the chick embryo by male  and  female sex hormones. P. Z., X, 1937.
occasione della «International Conference on Hybridization  and  Plant Breeding») propose di chiamare Genetica (dalla radice


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