Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: genetics

Numero di risultati: 32 in 1 pagine

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Elementi di genetica

Giuseppe Montalenti 32 occorrenze
  • 1939
  • L. Cappelli Editore
  • Bologna
  • biologia
  • w
  • Scarica XML

J.G. = Journal of Genetics (Cambridge, Inghilterra).

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G. = Genetics (New York).

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P.VIC. = Proceedings of the Sixth international Congress of Genetics (Ithaca, N. Y., 1932).

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Journal of Genetics (ed., Cambridge University Press,), dal 1910.

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Genetics (ed. Brooklin Botanic Garden, New York), dal 1916.

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Walter, H. - Genetics. New York, 1923 (2a ed.).

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Crew, P. A. E. - Animal genetics. Edimburgo, Oliver and Boyd, 1925.

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Jones, D. - Genetics in plant and animal improvement. New York, 1925.

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Castle, W. E. - Genetics and eugenics. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1930 (4a ed.).

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Sinnott, E. e Dunn, L. C. - Principles of genetics. New York, Mac Graw-Hill. 1925.

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Pearl, R. - Modes of research in genetics. New York, Macmillan, 1915.

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Babcock, E. e Clausen, R. - Genetics in relation to agriculture. New York. Mac Graw-Hill, 1927 (2a ed.).

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Morgan, Th. H. - The rise of Genetics. P. VI C., 1932.

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Bateson, W. - The progress of Genetics. P. R. B., I, 1907.

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Morgan, Th. H, Bridges, C. B. e Sturtevant, A. H. - The genetics of Drosophila. B. G., II, 1925.

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Emerson, A. E. - The present status of maize genetics. P. VI C., 1932.

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Nabours, R. K. - The genetics of the Tettigidae (Grouse Locusts). B. G., V, 1929.

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Ströer, W. H. - The gene, its function and its meaning in genetics. Q. R. B., XI, 1936.

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Crew, F. A. E. - The genetics of sexuality in animals. New York e Cambridge, Bancroft, e Sanuders 1927.

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Bridges, C. B. - Genetics of sex in Drosophila. In Allen, op. cit. a pag. 417; 1932.

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Stern, C. - Genetics and ontogeny. A. N., LXX, 1936.

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Just, E. E. - A single theory for the physiology of development and genetics. A. N., LXX, 1936.

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Woodger, J. H. — The concept of organism and the relation between embryology and genetics. III. Q. R. B., VI, 1931.

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– – Physiological Genetics. New York, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1938.

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Dobzhansky, Th. - Genetics and the origin of Species. New York, Columbia Univ. Press., 1937.

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Bateson, W. – Problems of genetics. Oxford University Press, 1913.

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Morgan, Th. H. - Evolution and Genetics. Princeton University Press, 1925.

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Bauer, K. B. - Mutationstheorie der Geschwulstenentstehung. Berlino, 1928. Bittner, J. J. - The genetics of cancer in mice. Q. R. B., XIII, 1938.

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Crew, F. A. E. - The science of genetics and its application to stock breeding Journ. of the Univ. College of Wales, 1926.

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Little, C. C. - Eugenics, Genetics and Family. Washington, 1923.

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Buchanan Smith, A. D., e Robinson, O. J. - The genetics of cattle. B.G., X, 1933.

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Crew, F. A. E., e Buchanan Smith, A. D. - The genetics of the horse. B. G. VI, 1930.

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