Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 4 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1

L'uomo delinquente

Cesare Lombroso 4 occorrenze
  • 1897
  • Fratelli Bocca Editori, Librai di S. M. Il Re D'Italia
  • Torino
  • scienze
  • w
  • Scarica XML

Thirtieth annual report of the executive committee of the Prison Association of New York, with accompanying documents, for the year 1874

Pagina 197

Association of New York, with accompanying documents, for the year 1874. - Transmitted to the legislature april 9, 1875. - Albany: Weed, Parsons and

Pagina 197

The New-York Reformatory in Elmira by Alexander Winter F. S. S., with a preface by Havelock Ellis. London, Sonnenschein e C., 1891. - Fifteenth

Pagina 538

Winter, di Way, di Ellis The New-York Reformatory in Elmira by Alexander Winter F. S. S., with a preface by Havelock Ellis. London, Sonnenschein e C

Pagina 538


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