Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: only

Numero di risultati: 13 in 1 pagine

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potentially, social welfare. This outcome can be pursued  only  when the goal of private welfare does not cause harm to
laws, rules, social norms). Public intervention is not the  only  tool to rule human interaction and to resist individual
in not repeat relations. Indeed, human choices depend not  only  on private calculus, but also on emotions, sentiments and
create social capital). The cooperation propension in not  only  fostered by altruism, but also by the willingness and human
suited to small societies. The concept of distance (not  only  spatial but also in terms of different characteristics of
The Author also points out that an European policy focused  only  on neutrality distortions forgets that direct taxes, in the
their (of words) physiognomy, he will be on the alert not  only  for obviously mixed methaphors of course, but for the
the good qualities, the beauties, of verse also, are such,  only  as precise expression».
di Sir Hugh Lane: «Mancini for instance is obviously  only  on sufferance among serious painters». Qui non c'è più
public spending is often half of Gross Domestic Product.  Only  a few decades ago that spending was a much smaller
the share financed by the government is among the highest.  Only  a little portion of public research results, as measured by
is not allowed; b) double taxation conventions deal  only  with the juridical double taxation, so that they cannot be
policy. L'onestà è la migliore polizza. I must be cruel  only  to be kind. Io devo esser crudele, soltanto per esser
got no noses, they haven't got no noses, and Goodness  only  knowses, the noselessness of Man!" (sic: si ricordi che è
accustomed ear. Then thou whisperest in his ear Words which  only  he ean ear Words of woe and words of chear Jubilates thou