Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: oecd

Numero di risultati: 11 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
aim of this artiche il sto analyze the relationship between  OECD  Model tax convention and trust. Although trusts are widely
trusts are widely used in international context, the  OECD  Model and its Commentary still do not give any guideline
can be gathered from the US Model tax convention and the  OECD  Partnership Report of 1999. Particular anntention in given
8  OECD  Model Convention (shipping, inland waterways transport and
of ships and aircraft in international traffic. The  OECD  Commission for Fiscal Affairs has recently proposed some
aumentato. D'altro canto, l'art. 25(2) del Modello  OECD  [Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development -
Con riguardo a tale profilo, il Commentario al Modello  OECD  si duole della mancanza di chiarezza che risulta
soffermandosi, in particolare, sui Paesi avanzati dell'area  OECD  in cui si è registrato un incremento del tasso di
regards the second thesis, the attention is focused on the  OECD  Model Convention and on the related Commentary with the aim


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