Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 217 in 5 pagine

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you  for  nothing" o immeritevolezza
 for  Italians, Knives and Forks for All are banned in Futurist
for Italians, Knives and Forks  for  All are banned in Futurist Manifesto on Cooking
780°C -800°C equalize  for  3 min hold for 5 min
780°C -800°C equalize for 3 min hold  for  5 min
A. H. - Culture methods  for  Drosophila, in: Culture methods for invertebrate animals,
A. H. - Culture methods for Drosophila, in: Culture methods  for  invertebrate animals, Ithaca, New York, Comstock Publ.
processi davanti all'"International Criminal Tribunal  for  the Former Yugoslavia" e all'"International Criminal
Former Yugoslavia" e all'"International Criminal Tribunal  for  Rwanda". Profili giuridici, storici e sociologici
more spaghetti  for  the Italians.
"think tanks" al "Crowdsourcing  for  Intelligence"
to be against one right system  for  IP
K. - Tables  for  statisticians and biometricians. Londra, 1924.
L. - The need  for  eugenic reform. Londra, J. Murray, 1926.
450°C- 600°C equalize  for  3-5 min
sulle donazioni e trust esteri: much ado  for  nothing!
order e bona fide purchaser  for  value without notice
Stati Uniti alla Convention of Supplementary Compensation  for  nuclear damage
W. - Materials  for  the study of variation. Londra, Macmillan, 1894.
the mood  for  meaning". Considerazioni sulla teoria pragmaticamente
new challenges  for  bioethics and biolaw
Temper: 150°C hold  for  1h
autonome e "Uniform Rules  for  Demand Guarantees"
a slight difference of traces of Vanadium  for  a better hot work ability.
Aristogatti (Ovvero: del "trust  for  the care of pets" nella percezione cinematografica)
B. A. - Statistical methods  for  research workers. Edimburgo, Oliver e Boyd, 1930 (3a ed.).
G. H. - Duplicate genes  for  capsule form in Bursa bursa-pastoris. Z.I. A., XII, 1914.
Issue of the Fiscal Compact - Searching  for  a mature democratic governance of the euro
Müller, Facts and Arguments  for  Darwin, 1869, p. 25-28.
= Proceedings of the Society  for  experimental Biology and Medicine (New York).
E. Le Gros Clark, The fossil evidence  for  human Evolution, The University of Chicago Press, 1933.
E. E. - A single theory  for  the physiology of development and genetics. A. N., LXX,
Double temper at 400-750?F (200-400?C). Hold  for  2 hours minimum each time.
relief to prevent warpage: 650°C-680°C hold  for  3-5h let cool slowly in oven.
C. B. - Apparatus and methods  for  Drosophila culture. A. N., LXVI, 1932.
farina, 7 cucchiai e 1/2 d'acqua, 4-5 cucchiai di  for 
Progetto Space: Specialist and Patients Alliance  for  a Common Experience in Asthma. Indagine campionaria su
col sigaro e il giovane con la prima sigaretta (Foto Daily  for  Press e Riccard Press)
del potere in Measure  for  Measure. Corpo pubblico/corpo privato: autorità/libertà e
"a government of the judges, by the judges and  for  the judges"
V chemical composition is equivalent to the SAE standard  for  construction steels 50 100 (UNS G50986 or the German grade
dibattito sulla "Guide  for  research ethics committee members" del Consiglio d'Europa:
J. HOLMES, Recent acquisitions  for  public Collections: VI. Bernardo da Parenzo. The National
has been financed more than 33,00 investiment plans  for  euro 63 billion, two thirds in the Mezzogiorno regions. The
a breaking point in the state intervention model  for  the development of the South of Italy. Before 1992, the
measures following three basic principles: i) selectivity  for  choosing the investiment projects to be financed; ii)
in lieu of the general rule on businnes profits provided  for  by article. It derives from that the necessity to determine
and aircraft in international traffic. The OECD Commission  for  Fiscal Affairs has recently proposed some changes to the
which sells tickets on behalf of other companies,  for  example for a domestic leg of an international voyage
sells tickets on behalf of other companies, for example  for  a domestic leg of an international voyage offered by the
Dougall, W. - An experiment  for  the testing of the hypothesis of Lamarck. Brit. Journ. of
dei crediti bancari in capitale di rischio ("debt  for  equity swap") nell'ambito del "restructuring" in Italia,
della Convenzione UNECE [United Nations Economic Commission  for  Europe] di Aarhus del 1998
 for  persons in the persistent vegetative state and Pope John
A (FC) and others (FC) (Appellants) v. Secretary of State  for  the Home Department (Respondent) (2004), A and others
others (Appellants) (FC) and others v. Secretary of State  for  the Home Department (Respondent), (Conjoined), 8 dicembre