Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Numero di risultati: 78 in 2 pagine

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 As  blurred as a cloud. Preliminary notes questioning some
blurred  as  a cloud. Preliminary notes questioning some socio-legal
• La Tris a Pamir  As 
trade secrets  as  IPRs: a recent break through in Italian Ip law
– The relation to cancer occurrence  as  shown in strain 73. Amer. Journ. Cancerol., XVIII, 1933.
C. B. - Non-disjunction  as  a proof of the chromosome theory of heredity. G., I, 1916.
Huxley - A. C. Hardy - E. B. Ford, Evolution  as  a process, Allen and Unwin, London 1934.
A. W.- Integumental grafting  as  a means of analyzing the factors determining the secondary
R. - The physical structure of protoplasm  as  determined by microdissection and injection. In Cowdry, op.
themes: the schift of constitutional jurisprudence  as  regards laws by decree ad doctrinal reactions; the resort
law; the thesis that depicts the power of order in council  as  a continuation of ordinary administrative power; the thesis
administrative power; the thesis that views such power  as  a direct porsuit of constitutional principles; the
autonomy both of national parliaments and executive powers,  as  well as the life of millions of European citizens. A
both of national parliaments and executive powers, as well  as  the life of millions of European citizens. A culture of
of the "fiscal compact" with the principle of democracy.  As  tentatively showed, an issue of democratic legitimacy is
The policy-making of the euro zone needs to be improved so  as  to rely less on national legitimacy inputs and more on its
W. e Punnett, R. C. - A suggestion  as  to the nature of the walnut comb in fowls. Proc. Cambridge
 as  to Man’s Place in Nature, 1863,pag. 70, et passim. –
Nobell ha vinto la Tris di trotto a Padova su Pamir  As  e Paribast; combinazione 14-5-6, quota di lire 589.100 (con
of the Constitution, to retain the powers of the states  as  much as possible. After Australia became a federation in
Constitution, to retain the powers of the states as much  as  possible. After Australia became a federation in 1901, the
interpretation and seeks to offer some suggestions  as  to why a decision that was so ill-founded has proven to be
«Comoedia», give the principal feature of the new cuisine  as  a rapid succession of dishes which contain but one mouthful
50100 "Carbon V" is rated  as  a construction steel, means unlike its high quality
sono comunemente indicati come "IaaS" ("Infrastructure  as  a Service"), "PaaS" ("Platform as a Service") e "SaaS"
"IaaS" ("Infrastructure as a Service"), "PaaS" ("Platform  as  a Service") e "SaaS" ("Software as a Service"). A livello
"PaaS" ("Platform as a Service") e "SaaS" ("Software  as  a Service"). A livello internazionale e nell'ambito dell'UE
annuale del Whiteney, 1969. Quinta investigazione (Art  as  idea as idea).]
del Whiteney, 1969. Quinta investigazione (Art as idea  as  idea).]
Italy's R&D expenses  as  a percentage of GNP are among the lo west within the
highest. Only a little portion of public research results,  as  measured by patent licenses, is trasferred to Industry,
majority of respondents prefer to encode new knowledge  as  scientific paper rather than patent. One third of such
suitable to restrict the individual moral hazard (such  as  laws, rules, social norms). Public intervention is not the
and to resist individual moral hazard. Social norms (such  as  ethical and moral codes) can be a complementary tool.
Cooperation needs reciprocity. Public intervention (such  as  contract law) cannot be sufficient to foster cooperation.
people decreases; and the individual choices can differ  as  can differ the social capital. Hence, social norms are a
nell'Index Catalogue del Billings nella rubrica Exercise  as  a remedy e vi troverà oltre duecento scritti. Non vi sono
of targeted sanctions lacks procedural fairness, inasmuch  as  it neglects the rights of targeted persons, groups and
in EU law and it appears defensible under international law  as  well. However, a number of issues are still unsettled:
advocated by States, and disclosure, advocated by targets;  as  the second, uncertainties on the legal nature of the
afforded to targets under (national and) international law.  As  to the third, the article criticizes the common view
essay concerns the negative integration  as  European tax harmonization policy in the field of direct
linguistiche e semiotiche. Si veda anche la mostra “Art  as  Idea” organizzata dal Cayc di Buenos Aires nel 1971.
in Parlamento e in particolare al recente Disegno di legge  AS  1052, il c.d. "Decreto Scalfarotto".
(l’investigazione) nel contesto artistico (e cioè, “art  as  idea as idea"). La qualità specifica di una forma di
nel contesto artistico (e cioè, “art as idea  as  idea"). La qualità specifica di una forma di presentazione
Huxley ha pienamente discusso questo argomento Evidence  as  to Man’s Place in Nature, 1863,pag. 70, et passim. –
intervention of the international community is not such  as  to allow a similar favorable judment. In fact, the
nell'Index Catalogue del Billings nella rubrica Exercise  as  a remedy e vi troverà oltre duecento scritti. Non vi sono
market inefficiencies, frictions, and rigid regulation  as  to have more profitable investiment opportunities.
coevo alla traduzione tedesca della prima edizione di "Law  as  Fact" (pubblicata nel 1940 col titolo "Gesetz und Staat"),
d'identità tra intuizione ed espressione: «In literature,  as  in all forms of art, there are the absolute and the merely
good qualities, the beauties, of verse also, are such, only  as  precise expression».
Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant to Be Viewed  as  Art (Disegni di lavoro e altre cose visibili su carta non
Best Offer, «La nostra migliore offerta») e ASAP (As Soon  As  Possible, «Prima possibile»); -che non ci siano «smile» o
nel nostro Paese ancora nuova, dell'organization  as  a client, da anni esistente negli Stati Uniti.
teorico pragmatista John Dewey, nel suo Art  as  Experience del 1934, scelse la colorita espressione per cui
the earliest articles written by American scholars, such  as  P. Hay and E. Stein, in order to identify their possible
Martin and Mia Visser acquired Richard Long’s work  as  a photographic reproduction for pubblication in an edition