Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: about

Numero di risultati: 28 in 1 pagine

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Hardness:  About  BHN 255
dei processi e responsabilità del magistrato: "too much ado  about  nothing"
effectiveness of labour law: remarks  about  the German experience
talk  about  infringement and the doctrine of equivalents from the
 about  the Salvation Army, of Arnold White, Francis Park and
Ado  About  (Almost) Nothing: il rapporto della House of Lords sulla
to below 125?F (50?C), or salt or interrupted oil quench to  about  1000?F (540?C), then air cool to below 125?F (50?C).
provide Court Leaders and decision-makers with information  about  how to proficiently evaluate and improve the performances
is to provide new contributions in the ongoing debate  about  Court Management, the definition of shared professional
ove sarebbe così facile e vantaggioso l'intendersi?  About  - L'abbicì di chi lavora.
into whether digital technologies have rendered concerns  about  media concentration superfluous. Instead of praising new
of trust fund. It is also discussed an important case  about  the notion of trust residence under the UK-Ireland tax
care units in Europe. The ethics of decision-making  about  end of life". Sono state estrapolate le risposte date ai
magari, in un'imboscata, ci lasciava la pelle. «Sorry  about  that» diceva l'americano, scusami per quello che è
scusami per quello che è successo. Da allora, sorry  about  that è diventato quasi il motto di questa «stupida guerra»,
developed a better understanding and awareness  about  the relevance of the organizational issues for the proper
p. es., la Salvation Army Truth  about  the Salvation Army, of Arnold White, Francis Park and
federalism. This paper concludes with some observations  about  the role of precedent in Australian constitutional
and God disposes. L'uomo propone, Dio dispone. Much ado  about  nothing. Molto rumore per nulla. My house is my castle. La