Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: application

Numero di risultati: 9 in 1 pagine

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in female tadpoles of Berna sylvatica following the  application  of high temperature. J. E. Z., LII, 1929.
F. A. E. - The science of genetics and its  application  to stock breeding Journ. of the Univ. College of Wales,
determine those activities which follow within the scope of  application  of article 8, being strictly connected to the operation of
The changes seem to be intended to widen the scope of  application  of article 8 through the listing of the activities strictly
article 24 of the treaty. This, resulting in the non  application  of any withholding tax in Germany and in the total
tax authorities have already stated that the simultaneous  application  of the rules implementing the "parent-subsidiary" directive
whereby the Italian authorities denied the simultaneous  application  of the rules implementing the "parentsubsidiary" directive
conclude that there are no reason to deny the simultaneous  application  of the German rules implementing the "parent-subsidiary"
and its Commentary still do not give any guideline for the  application  of tax treaties to trust related income. Some guidelines
servizi informatici anche on line tramite i contratti di  Application  service provisioning. La stretta correlazione tra le
have repeatedly found that the procedure leading to the  application  of targeted sanctions lacks procedural fairness, inasmuch