Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: any

Numero di risultati: 11 in 1 pagine

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a State free to tax  any  good, any income of a taxpayer whatever its connection with
a State free to tax any good,  any  income of a taxpayer whatever its connection with this
«The choice of these ready-mades was never dictated by  any  aesthetic delectation. Such choice was always based on a
di motivazione, per lesione del canone "b.a.r.d." ["Beyond  Any  Reasonable Doubt" - Di là di qualsiasi ragionevole dubbio].
the OECD Model and its Commentary still do not give  any  guideline for the application of tax treaties to trust
(conosciuto anche con l'acronimo "bard" ovvero beyond  any  reasonable doubt). La giurisprudenza, nella necessità di
la prova della responsabilità possa dirsi ottenuta beyond  any  reasonable doubt e in che misura sia possibile desumere la
wanted, an iconic representamen may be termed a hypoicon.  Any  material image, as a painting... in itself without legend
quello della valutazione della regola del B.a.r.d. (Beyond  Any  Reasonable Doubt), oggi fissata dall'art. 533, comma 1,
24 of the treaty. This, resulting in the non application of  any  withholding tax in Germany and in the total exemption in
a Romeo: What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By  any  other name would smell as sweet. - È vero - risposi subito