Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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case of kinship analysis studied  by  two different pieces of software
of Informations  by  Trustees
nuovo contratto di rete: "Learning  by  doing"?
(and privacy)  by  default". L'identità costituzionale della amministrazione
di responsabilità e limite dell'attuale approccio "case  by  case"
c.p.c. e azione risarcitoria: "a government of the judges,  by  the judges and for the judges"
the "strategies" of legal/political integration, used  by  the European political actors, arose in several comparative
on the rise of the European Communities was deeply studied  by  scholars: the well-know essay by G. Lundestad, Empire by
was deeply studied by scholars: the well-know essay  by  G. Lundestad, Empire by Integration, for example,
by scholars: the well-know essay by G. Lundestad, Empire  by  Integration, for example, demonstrates the great length and
paper I would like to analyse the earliest articles written  by  American scholars, such as P. Hay and E. Stein, in order to
la signature  by  mark nella lunga marcia di avvicinamento verso il notariato
lieu of the general rule on businnes profits provided for  by  article. It derives from that the necessity to determine
has some passengers or cargo transported internationally  by  ships or aircraft operated by other enterprises under
transported internationally by ships or aircraft operated  by  other enterprises under particular arrangements. Another
for a domestic leg of an international voyage offered  by  the first enterprise. The changes seem to be intended to
organizational issues have gained increasing attention  by  the "Consiglio Supremo della Magistratura", the governing
of the "Circolari di formazione delle tabelle" written  by  the "Consiglio" after 2000, the A. proposes in this article
article a detailed description of the evolution undergone  by  the organizational sensibility of the "Consiglio" in the
the schift of constitutional jurisprudence as regards laws  by  decree ad doctrinal reactions; the resort to orders in
constitutional principles; the abnoormal recourse to laws  by  decree and orders in council and the extent to wich one can
of liberalization of the sector has been put at risk  by  the possibility for the service to be in-house provided of
call for tenders are analysed in the way they are planned  by  local governments in the light of the economic literature
concentration superfluous. Instead of praising new media  by  merely focusing on the (undoubtedly) countless
in JDI, 2004, vol. 4) jurisdictions of States are limited  by  the international law.
capital). The cooperation propension in not only fostered  by  altruism, but also by the willingness and human capacity to
propension in not only fostered by altruism, but also  by  the willingness and human capacity to punish not
and human capacity to punish not cooperating people.  By  sharing the same social capital the identity of a society
on the due process rights aspects of the judgments issued  by  the General court and the Court of Justice so far. European
and specifically with the fundamental rights protected  by  it. They have repeatedly found that the procedure leading
that a balance be struck between non-disclosure, advocated  by  States, and disclosure, advocated by targets; as the
advocated by States, and disclosure, advocated  by  targets; as the second, uncertainties on the legal nature
highlighting both the advantages and the challenges posed  by  the innovation process.
deals with the tax treatment of dividends distributed  by  a German corporate subsidiary to its Italian corporate
the total exemption in Italy of the dividends distribuited  by  the German subsidiary: a) the Italian tax authorities have
in the State of source. The authors oppose the first thesis  by  an analysis of the rulings whereby the Italian authorities
to avoid also the economic double taxation on dividends,  by  granting an exemption irrespective of whether or not
within the industrialized countries, the share financed  by  the government is among the highest. Only a little portion
a little portion of public research results, as measured  by  patent licenses, is trasferred to Industry, while the
dalla letteratura relativamente alla Sindrome di Munchausen  by  proxy (SMP), hanno proposto un questionario sotto forma di
Commercial Code), come "any symbol executed or adopted  by  a party with present intention to authenticate a writing"
come le procedure e i requisiti relativi alla signature  by  mark negli USA possano variare da Stato a Stato.
Notary Public della NNA) per l'autentica delle signature  by  mark nello Stato della California. Nella seconda parte
licenziamento di tipo economico (o "dismissal  by  way of redundancy") nel Regno Unito è analizzato nel
logiche gestionali innovative (Court Management-Management  by  Objectives); nonché strumenti di monitoraggio e valutazione
è stata più volte chiamata a trovare soluzioni "case  by  case", legate alla specificità del caso concreto, con
infatti, di apportare modifiche organizzative "step  by  step", utilizzando l'informazione prodotta dal ciclo
questo beneficio attraverso una "collaborazione day  by  day" con il secondo.
role is genuinely needed, rather than in areas determined  by  past and often highly questionable decisions".
federal system of government is established  by  the Commonwealth Constitution which provides for a central
e le metodologie finalizzate a sviluppare il management  by  objectives (i.e. gestione per obiettivi) da parte delle
Moreover, the paper addresses some issues raised  by  the choice of a "17 plus" treaty stepping outside the EU
from initial testing in animals to ultimate consumption  by  the patient. Furthermore, unlike products that are designed
"this intangible cultural heritage is constantly recreated  by  communities and groups in response to their environment,
ad esclusione dei danni risalenti a "want of due diligence  by  the Assured, the Owners or Managers of the vessel". I
saggio esamina l'odierno dibattito sulla "privacy  by  design" e l'idea che le misure a tutela dei dati personali
"Sindrome di Munchausen  by  Proxy" si intende la produzione fittizia di malattia in un
rappresenta così un esempio importante di privacy  by  design (ormai considerato il principio guida affinché la