Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: american

Numero di risultati: 10 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1
of  American  Trusts Law
 American  Express e la non prova elettronica
paper aims at analysing the  American  comparative lawyers' perspective whit regards to the first
their perspectives, considering the comparability between  American  and European integration. The general influence of the
and European integration. The general influence of the  American  power on the rise of the European Communities was deeply
I would like to analyse the earliest articles written by  American  scholars, such as P. Hay and E. Stein, in order to identify
erano ai ferri corti, proporrà, nel suo "Speech on  American  Taxation", il ritorno al binomio del 1766. L'anno dopo,


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