Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Elementi di genetica

Giuseppe Montalenti 50 occorrenze
  • 1939
  • L. Cappelli Editore
  • Bologna
  • biologia
  • w
  • Scarica XML

P.S.E.B. = Proceedings of the Society for experimental Biology and Medicine (New York).

Pagina 396

Jones, D. - Genetics in plant and animal improvement. New York, 1925.

Pagina 399

Crew, P. A. E. - Animal genetics. Edimburgo, Oliver and Boyd, 1925.

Pagina 399

Castle, W. E. - Genetics and eugenics. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1930 (4a ed.).

Pagina 399

Pearson, K. - Tables for statisticians and biometricians. Londra, 1924.

Pagina 401

Jennings, H. S. - Heredity, variation and evolution in Protozoa. J. E. Z., V, 1908.

Pagina 402

Hance, R. T. - The somatic chromosomes of the chick and their possible sex- relations. S., LIX, 1924.

Pagina 406

Wilson, E. B. - The cell in development and Heredity. New York, Macmillan, 1938 (3a ed.).

Pagina 406

Oguma, K. - Problems of the human chromosomes and their solution. Proc.

Pagina 407

Weismann, A. - Essays on heredity, 1st and 2nd series (trad.). Oxford, 1882- 1888.

Pagina 407

Bridges, C. B. - Apparatus and methods for Drosophila culture. A. N., LXVI, 1932.

Pagina 408

Winge, O. - One-sided masculine and sex-linked inheritance in Lebistes reticulatus. J. G., XII, 1922.

Pagina 408

Eloff, G. A. - Theoretical and experimental study on the changes in the crossing-over value, their causes and meaning. B. G., IX, 1932.

Pagina 409

Gulick, A. - What are the genes? I. The genetic and evolutionary picture, Q. R. B., XIII, 1938.

Pagina 409

Carothers, E. E. - The segregation and recombination of homologous chromosomes. J. M., XXVIII, 1917.

Pagina 410

Harrison, J. e Doncaster, L. - On hybrids between moths and geometrid subfamilies Bistoninae. J. G., III, 1914.

Pagina 410

Ashby, E. - Heterosis and the inheritance of quantitative characters. P. R. S., CXXIII, 1937.

Pagina 411

Muller, H. G. - The effects of X-radiation on genes and chromosomes. S., LXVII, 1928.

Pagina 411

Painter, Th. S. - Salivary chromosomes and the attack of the gene, J. H., XXV, 1934.

Pagina 411

Duerden, J. E. - Crossing the north african and the south african Ostrich. I. G., VIII, 1919.

Pagina 412

Haldane, J. B. S. - Sex ratio and unisexual sterility in hybrid animals. J. G., XII, 1912.

Pagina 412

Craft, W. A. - The sex ratio in mules and other hybrid mammals. Q. R. B., XIII, 1938.

Pagina 412

Newmann, H. H. - Development and heredity in heterogenic teleost hybrids. J.E.Z., XVIII, 1915.

Pagina 413

Demerec, M. – Heredity and radiation. Radiology, XXVII, 1936.

Pagina 414

Toyama, K. - Maternal inheritance and mendelism. J. G.. II, 1913.

Pagina 414

Bronsthein, Z. S. - Experiments on the production of mutations by X-rays and on genogeography in Daphnia magna. Proc. 4th all-russian Congr. Zool

Pagina 415

– – Further studies on the nature and causes of gene mutations. P. VI C 1932.

Pagina 416

Allen, E., e molti Collaboratori. - Sex and internal secretions. Baltimora, William e Wilkins, 1932.

Pagina 417

Riddle, O. - Metabolism and Sex, In Allen, cit.

Pagina 418

Morgan, Th. H. - Heredity and sex. New York, 1914.

Pagina 418

Witschi, E. - Sex deviations, inversions and parabiosis. In Allen, op. cit. a pag, 417; 1932.

Pagina 419

Domm, L. V. - New experiments on ovariotomy and the problem of sex inversion in the fowl. J. E. Z., XLVIII, 1927.

Pagina 420

Smith, G. - Rhizocephala. Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Monogr. 29, 1905.

Pagina 421

Riddle, O. - The determination of sex and its experimental control. Bull. Am. Acad., Med. XV, 1914.

Pagina 421

Danforth, C. H. - Artificial gynandromorphism and plumage in Phasianus. J. G., XXXIX, 1937.

Pagina 423

Woodger, J. H. — The concept of organism and the relation between embryology and genetics. III. Q. R. B., VI, 1931.

Pagina 424

Stern, C. - Genetics and ontogeny. A. N., LXX, 1936.

Pagina 424

Just, E. E. - A single theory for the physiology of development and genetics. A. N., LXX, 1936.

Pagina 424

Zawadowsky, M. M. - Gen and its role in the realization of a character. B. G., XI, 1936.

Pagina 425

Huxley, J. S. - Natural selection and evolutionary process. Nature (Londra) 1936.

Pagina 426

Dobzhansky, Th. - Genetics and the origin of Species. New York, Columbia Univ. Press., 1937.

Pagina 426

Romanes - Darwin and after Darwin, Londra, 1892-97.

Pagina 427

Morgan, Th. H. - Evolution and Genetics. Princeton University Press, 1925.

Pagina 427

Wright, S. - The roles of mutation, inbreeding, crossbreeding and selection in evolution. P. VI C., 1932.

Pagina 427

Little, C. C. - Eugenics, Genetics and Family. Washington, 1923.

Pagina 429

Hogben - Genetic principles in medicine and social science. Londra, William e Norgate, 1931.

Pagina 429

Darbishire, A. D. - Breeding and the mendelian discovery. Londra, 1912.

Pagina 429

Galton, F. - Inquires into human faculty and its development. Londra, 1883.

Pagina 429

Frets, G. P. - Alcohol and the other germ poisons. L’Aja, M. Nijhoff. 1931.

Pagina 429

Holmes, S. J. - The trend of the race. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1921.

Pagina 429


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